Below you will find documentation for each of the API calls that are available to you, as well as a sample of the data returned by each call.
Response Codes returned by the API
To simplify development using the Aegis CRM API, we will provide both a test-mode API key, as well as a live-mode API key. These keys can both be active at the same time, so you can rest assured that your production data will be safe during development.
Click a specific API method to test it or to view more details about it.
Interface | Short Description |
POST /transaction/Create |
Create a new Transaction in Aegis CRM |
Interface | Short Description |
GET /partner/ID/{text} |
Retrieve a partner by using their ID as the look-up value. |
GET /partner/Username/{text} |
Retrieve a partner by using their username as the look-up value. |
GET /partner/Email/{text} |
Retrieve a partner by using their primary email address as the look-up value. |
GET /partner/Search |
Search for all partners using the field values provided. |
GET /partner/TransactionHistory/{text} |
Retrieve a Partner's transaction history (using their ID). |
GET /partner/SolicitationHistory/{text} |
Retrieve a Partner's solicitation history (using their ID). |
GET /partner/PledgeHistory/{text} |
Retrieve a Partner's pledge history (using their ID). |
POST /partner/Register |
Create a new partner by registering them with a new username and password. |
POST /partner/Login |
Retrieve a partner from the database by looking them up by their web username and validating their password is correct. |
PUT /partner/ChangePassword |
Update a partner's password using their old web login information. |
PUT /partner/Save |
Save a partner with all of the supplied information. |
POST /partner/Create |
Create a new partner in Aegis CRM. |
POST /partner/Subscriptions |
Create a new partner to subscription relationship if it doesn't exist in Aegis CRM. |
GET /partner/AskArray |
Retrieve Ask Array by Partner ID and AskArray Code |
GET /partner/Prefixes |
Retrieve a list of all note types. |
GET /partner/Suffixes |
Retrieve a list of all note types. |
GET /partner/CustomData/{text}/{secondary} |
Retrieve a partner by Custom data field value |
Interface | Short Description |
GET /appeal/All |
Retrieve a list of all appeals. |
GET /appeal/ID/{text} |
Retrieve an appeal by its ID |
GET /appeal/AskArrays |
Retreive List of all Available Ask Arrays |
GET /appeal/Name/{text} |
Retrieve appeals by its Name |
Interface | Short Description |
GET /customdata/All |
Retrieve a list of all custom data fields. |
GET /customdata/ID/{text} |
Retrieve a custom data field by its ID (Name). |
Interface | Short Description |
GET /EmailStatus/All |
Retrieve a list of all EmailStatus |
Interface | Short Description |
GET /EmailType/All |
Retrieve a list of all EmailType |
Interface | Short Description |
GET /event/All |
Retrieve a list of all events. |
GET /event/ID/{text} |
Retrieve an event by its ID |
POST /event/AssignSponsor |
Create a new event sponsorship assignment in Aegis CRM. |
POST /event/AssignVolunteerstoShifts |
Assign a volunteer to shift in Aegis CRM. |
Interface | Short Description |
GET /fund/All |
Retrieve a list of all funds. |
GET /fund/ID/{text} |
Retrieve a Fund by its ID |
POST /Fund/Create |
Create a fund in Aegis CRM. |
PUT /api/{context}/Fund/Save |
Save a fund with all of the supplied information. |
Interface | Short Description |
GET /inventory/All |
Retrieve a list of all inventory items. |
GET /api/{context}/inventory/ID/{text} |
Retrieve a product by its ID (SKU) |
GET /inventory/Categories |
Retrieve a list of all inventory Product Category Tree by WarehouseID. |
GET /inventory/Name/{text} |
Retrieve a list of inventory items based on description. |
Interface | Short Description |
GET /OriginSourceDefinition/All |
Retrieve a list of all origin sources. |
GET /api/{context}/OriginSourceDefinition/ID/{text} |
Retrieve an origin source by its Id (i.e., name). |
POST /OriginSourceDefinition/Create |
Create an origin source definition in Aegis CRM. |
PUT /OriginSourceDefinition/Save |
Save an origin source definition with all of the supplied information. |
Interface | Short Description |
GET /partnernote/GetByPartner/{text} |
Retrieve a list of notes filtered by partner ID. |
POST /partnernote/Create |
Create a partner note |
GET /api/{context}/partnernote/Types |
Retrieve a list of all note types. |
Interface | Short Description |
GET /PhoneStatus/All |
Retrieve a list of all Phone Statuses |
Interface | Short Description |
GET /plannedgiving/AssignmentsByUser/{text} |
Retrieve a list of RDD Assignments by a user's email address. |
GET /plannedgiving/UsersAssigned |
Retrieve a list of users assigned as RDDs |
Interface | Short Description |
GET /pledge/GetByPartner/{text} |
Retrieve all pledges for a particular partner by using their ID as the look-up value. |
POST /pledge/Create |
Create a new pledge in Aegis CRM. |
PUT /pledge/Save |
Save a pledge with all of the supplied information. |
Interface | Short Description |
GET /subscription/All |
Retrieve all Defined Subscriptions (not deleted and deleted). |
Interface | Short Description |
GET /query/All |
Retrieve a list of all custom queries |
POST /query/Search |
Retrieve a list of all custom queries with a given value in the Name |
GET /query/FetchResults |
Fetch paged results for an Aegis CRM custom query |
Interface | Short Description |
GET /HealthCheck/Get |
Get the HealthStatus of API |