Retrieve a Partner's pledge history (using their ID).
Parameter | Description | Additional information |
text | The ID of the partner for look-up. |
Define this parameter in the request URI. |
page | Optional page number. If not included, page 1 will be returned. |
Define this parameter in the request URI. |
pageSize | Optional page size, limit of 100. If not included, the default page size will be 25. |
Define this parameter in the request URI. |
Field Name | Notes |
NextPageLink | Contains the full URL necessary to retrieve the next page of records. |
PageCount | The number of pages contained in the result set, based on the PageSize passed in the API request. |
PreviousPageLink | Contains the full URL necessary to retrieve the previous page of records. |
TotalCount | The total number of records contained in the result set. |
{ "NextPageLink": "sample string 1", "PreviousPageLink": "sample string 2", "PageCount": 3, "TotalCount": 4, "Pledges": [ { "ID": "6f1510eb-ce22-44d6-961a-a08e5e2db134", "PartnerID": "sample string 1", "PledgeAmount": 1.0, "DatePledged": "2025-03-11T21:51:51.9232454-06:00", "AppealCode": "sample string 2", "StartDate": "2025-03-11T21:51:51.9232454-06:00", "DayToCharge": 1, "PledgeType": "sample string 3", "Frequency": "sample string 4", "Installments": 1, "PledgeProgramName": "sample string 5", "BatchType": "sample string 6", "Active": true, "AutoPayment": true, "PaymentType": "sample string 9", "PaymentSubType": "sample string 10", "PaymentBank": "sample string 11", "PaymentNumber": "sample string 13", "PaymentExtraID": "sample string 14", "PaymentExpDate": "2025-03-11T21:51:51.9232454-06:00", "PaymentFirstName": "sample string 15", "PaymentMiddleName": "sample string 16", "PaymentLastName": "sample string 17", "PaymentAddress1": "sample string 18", "PaymentAddress2": "sample string 19", "PaymentCity": "sample string 20", "PaymentStateProvince": "sample string 21", "PaymentPostalCode": "sample string 22", "PaymentCountry": "sample string 23", "PaymentTokenID": "sample string 24", "PendingProfileUpdate": true, "Note": "sample string 26", "Channel": "sample string 27" }, { "ID": "6f1510eb-ce22-44d6-961a-a08e5e2db134", "PartnerID": "sample string 1", "PledgeAmount": 1.0, "DatePledged": "2025-03-11T21:51:51.9232454-06:00", "AppealCode": "sample string 2", "StartDate": "2025-03-11T21:51:51.9232454-06:00", "DayToCharge": 1, "PledgeType": "sample string 3", "Frequency": "sample string 4", "Installments": 1, "PledgeProgramName": "sample string 5", "BatchType": "sample string 6", "Active": true, "AutoPayment": true, "PaymentType": "sample string 9", "PaymentSubType": "sample string 10", "PaymentBank": "sample string 11", "PaymentNumber": "sample string 13", "PaymentExtraID": "sample string 14", "PaymentExpDate": "2025-03-11T21:51:51.9232454-06:00", "PaymentFirstName": "sample string 15", "PaymentMiddleName": "sample string 16", "PaymentLastName": "sample string 17", "PaymentAddress1": "sample string 18", "PaymentAddress2": "sample string 19", "PaymentCity": "sample string 20", "PaymentStateProvince": "sample string 21", "PaymentPostalCode": "sample string 22", "PaymentCountry": "sample string 23", "PaymentTokenID": "sample string 24", "PendingProfileUpdate": true, "Note": "sample string 26", "Channel": "sample string 27" }, { "ID": "6f1510eb-ce22-44d6-961a-a08e5e2db134", "PartnerID": "sample string 1", "PledgeAmount": 1.0, "DatePledged": "2025-03-11T21:51:51.9232454-06:00", "AppealCode": "sample string 2", "StartDate": "2025-03-11T21:51:51.9232454-06:00", "DayToCharge": 1, "PledgeType": "sample string 3", "Frequency": "sample string 4", "Installments": 1, "PledgeProgramName": "sample string 5", "BatchType": "sample string 6", "Active": true, "AutoPayment": true, "PaymentType": "sample string 9", "PaymentSubType": "sample string 10", "PaymentBank": "sample string 11", "PaymentNumber": "sample string 13", "PaymentExtraID": "sample string 14", "PaymentExpDate": "2025-03-11T21:51:51.9232454-06:00", "PaymentFirstName": "sample string 15", "PaymentMiddleName": "sample string 16", "PaymentLastName": "sample string 17", "PaymentAddress1": "sample string 18", "PaymentAddress2": "sample string 19", "PaymentCity": "sample string 20", "PaymentStateProvince": "sample string 21", "PaymentPostalCode": "sample string 22", "PaymentCountry": "sample string 23", "PaymentTokenID": "sample string 24", "PendingProfileUpdate": true, "Note": "sample string 26", "Channel": "sample string 27" } ] }
<PledgeHistoryModel xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <NextPageLink>sample string 1</NextPageLink> <PageCount>3</PageCount> <PreviousPageLink>sample string 2</PreviousPageLink> <TotalCount>4</TotalCount> </PledgeHistoryModel>