Create a new Transaction in Aegis CRM
Parameter | Description | Additional information |
transaction |
Define this parameter in the request body. |
Number | Notes |
#1 | The Partner, Appeal, Fund, Batch Category, and Product must already exist in Aegis CRM. |
#2 | If Total Transaction Amount is greater than 0, than Payment.Amount must be equal to it. |
#3 | The sum of gifts plus orders minus discounts must balance to the Total Transaction Amount. |
#4 | Valid Country values are based on the 'ISO 3166-1 alpha-2' specification. More info: |
#5 | If Aegis CRM will be charging the credit card, set Payment.Status equal to 'Pending'. Otherwise it must be set to 'Received'. |
#6 | The Shipping object is required for product orders. Failure to include one will mean that the item(s) cannot be fulfilled in Aegis CRM. |
Field Name | Notes |
Acknowledgements | Trigger these acknowledgements in addition to any Conditional Acknowledgements that get triggered. |
BatchCategory | If left empty or null, no category will be assigned. |
BatchType | If left empty or null, a default of 'Web' will be assigned. |
Channel | If left empty or null, a default of 'Web' will be assigned. |
DefaultPaymentType | Sets the default payment type for the batch header. |
Gift.ApplyToPledge | If set to True and the PledgeID is empty or cannot be found, the contribution will be applied to the most recent pledge found. |
Gift.EstimatedPercentage | The matching gift estimated percentage. Any other value outside the range of 1 to 100 will default to 100. |
Gift.MatchingContactID | The Matching Gift Partner's ContactID. |
InvoiceNumber | Auto-generated by Aegis CRM. Empty until the transaction has been created successfully. |
Payment.Status | Set to 'Pending' to let the payment be processed by Aegis CRM. Otherwise set to 'Paid', 'Received', or 'Approved' if it's already been processed. |
ProductOrder.Discount | Any discount is applied at the line item level, not the order level. Order-wide discounts should be divided accordingly. |
RecordedBy | Leave empty by default. Should only be overridden on a case-by-case basis so the currently authenticated user is accurately reflected. |
ReferenceNumber | Useful for 3rd party invoice numbers or transaction IDs. |
ResponsesOverridden | If set to False, any Conditional Acknowledgements can and will be triggered. Set to True to suppress Conditional Acknowledgements. |
{ "PartnerID": "sample string 1", "TransactionDate": "2025-03-11T21:59:07.6993886-06:00", "TotalTransactionAmount": 3.0, "AppealCode": "sample string 4", "MediaOutlet": "sample string 5", "MediaProgram": "sample string 6", "ValidatesAttributes": true, "SegmentCode": "sample string 8", "Channel": "sample string 9", "BatchType": "sample string 10", "BatchCategory": "sample string 11", "DefaultPaymentType": "sample string 12", "RecordedBy": "sample string 13", "TransactionNote": "sample string 14", "InvoiceNumber": "sample string 15", "ReferenceNumber": "sample string 16", "ShippingCost": 17.0, "TaxAmount": 18.0, "ResponsesOverridden": true, "Acknowledgements": [ { "AppealID": "sample string 1", "AppealName": "sample string 2", "Responded": true, "ResponseDate": "2025-03-11T21:59:07.6993886-06:00", "ResponseType": "sample string 3" }, { "AppealID": "sample string 1", "AppealName": "sample string 2", "Responded": true, "ResponseDate": "2025-03-11T21:59:07.6993886-06:00", "ResponseType": "sample string 3" }, { "AppealID": "sample string 1", "AppealName": "sample string 2", "Responded": true, "ResponseDate": "2025-03-11T21:59:07.6993886-06:00", "ResponseType": "sample string 3" } ], "Notes": [ { "PartnerID": "sample string 1", "EnteredBy": "sample string 2", "DateEntered": "2025-03-11T21:59:07.6993886-06:00", "Subject": "sample string 3", "Type": "sample string 4", "Private": true, "Note": "sample string 6" }, { "PartnerID": "sample string 1", "EnteredBy": "sample string 2", "DateEntered": "2025-03-11T21:59:07.6993886-06:00", "Subject": "sample string 3", "Type": "sample string 4", "Private": true, "Note": "sample string 6" }, { "PartnerID": "sample string 1", "EnteredBy": "sample string 2", "DateEntered": "2025-03-11T21:59:07.6993886-06:00", "Subject": "sample string 3", "Type": "sample string 4", "Private": true, "Note": "sample string 6" } ], "Payment": { "Status": "sample string 1", "Amount": 2.0, "PaymentType": "sample string 3", "Bank": "sample string 4", "Number": "sample string 5", "ExtraID": "sample string 6", "ExpDate": "2025-03-11T21:59:07.6993886-06:00", "FirstName": "sample string 7", "MiddleName": "sample string 8", "LastName": "sample string 9", "EmailAddress": "sample string 10", "EmailStatus": "sample string 11", "EmailType": "sample string 12", "Address1": "sample string 13", "Address2": "sample string 14", "City": "sample string 15", "StateProvince": "sample string 16", "PostalCode": "sample string 17", "Country": "sample string 18", "ContactPhone": "sample string 19", "UpdatePrimaryMailingAddress": true, "UpdatePrimaryEmailAddress": true }, "Shipping": { "ShippingOverridden": true, "Shipto": "sample string 2", "ShiptoAddress1": "sample string 3", "ShiptoAddress2": "sample string 4", "ShiptoCity": "sample string 5", "ShiptoState": "sample string 6", "ShiptoPostalCode": "sample string 7", "ShiptoCountry": "sample string 8", "ShippingNote": "sample string 9", "ShippingMethod": "sample string 10" }, "Gifts": [ { "GiftAmount": 1.0, "FundCode": "sample string 2", "ApplyToPledge": true, "PledgeID": "sample string 4", "MatchingContactID": "sample string 5", "EstimatedPercentage": 1 }, { "GiftAmount": 1.0, "FundCode": "sample string 2", "ApplyToPledge": true, "PledgeID": "sample string 4", "MatchingContactID": "sample string 5", "EstimatedPercentage": 1 }, { "GiftAmount": 1.0, "FundCode": "sample string 2", "ApplyToPledge": true, "PledgeID": "sample string 4", "MatchingContactID": "sample string 5", "EstimatedPercentage": 1 } ], "ProductOrders": [ { "FundCode": "sample string 1", "ProductSKU": "sample string 2", "WarehouseID": "sample string 3", "Quantity": 4, "Price": 1.0, "Discount": 5.0, "Attributes": [ { "Name": "sample string 1", "Value": "sample string 2" }, { "Name": "sample string 1", "Value": "sample string 2" }, { "Name": "sample string 1", "Value": "sample string 2" } ] }, { "FundCode": "sample string 1", "ProductSKU": "sample string 2", "WarehouseID": "sample string 3", "Quantity": 4, "Price": 1.0, "Discount": 5.0, "Attributes": [ { "Name": "sample string 1", "Value": "sample string 2" }, { "Name": "sample string 1", "Value": "sample string 2" }, { "Name": "sample string 1", "Value": "sample string 2" } ] }, { "FundCode": "sample string 1", "ProductSKU": "sample string 2", "WarehouseID": "sample string 3", "Quantity": 4, "Price": 1.0, "Discount": 5.0, "Attributes": [ { "Name": "sample string 1", "Value": "sample string 2" }, { "Name": "sample string 1", "Value": "sample string 2" }, { "Name": "sample string 1", "Value": "sample string 2" } ] } ], "Attributes": [ { "AttributeName": "sample string 1", "AttributeValue": "sample string 2" }, { "AttributeName": "sample string 1", "AttributeValue": "sample string 2" }, { "AttributeName": "sample string 1", "AttributeValue": "sample string 2" } ] }
<TransactionModel xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <Acknowledgements> <TransactionModel.AcknowledgementModel> <AppealID>sample string 1</AppealID> <AppealName>sample string 2</AppealName> <Responded>true</Responded> <ResponseDate>2025-03-11T21:59:07.6993886-06:00</ResponseDate> <ResponseType>sample string 3</ResponseType> </TransactionModel.AcknowledgementModel> <TransactionModel.AcknowledgementModel> <AppealID>sample string 1</AppealID> <AppealName>sample string 2</AppealName> <Responded>true</Responded> <ResponseDate>2025-03-11T21:59:07.6993886-06:00</ResponseDate> <ResponseType>sample string 3</ResponseType> </TransactionModel.AcknowledgementModel> <TransactionModel.AcknowledgementModel> <AppealID>sample string 1</AppealID> <AppealName>sample string 2</AppealName> <Responded>true</Responded> <ResponseDate>2025-03-11T21:59:07.6993886-06:00</ResponseDate> <ResponseType>sample string 3</ResponseType> </TransactionModel.AcknowledgementModel> </Acknowledgements> <AppealCode>sample string 4</AppealCode> <AuthorizedPaymentID>010d4a61-9ad8-4f39-acc3-9f560287ecf9</AuthorizedPaymentID> <BatchCategory>sample string 11</BatchCategory> <BatchType>sample string 10</BatchType> <Channel>sample string 9</Channel> <DefaultPaymentType>sample string 12</DefaultPaymentType> <InvoiceNumber>sample string 15</InvoiceNumber> <MediaOutlet>sample string 5</MediaOutlet> <MediaProgram>sample string 6</MediaProgram> <PartnerID>sample string 1</PartnerID> <Payment> <Address1>sample string 13</Address1> <Address2>sample string 14</Address2> <Amount>2</Amount> <Bank>sample string 4</Bank> <City>sample string 15</City> <ContactPhone>sample string 19</ContactPhone> <Country>sample string 18</Country> <EmailAddress>sample string 10</EmailAddress> <EmailStatus>sample string 11</EmailStatus> <EmailType>sample string 12</EmailType> <ExpDate>2025-03-11T21:59:07.6993886-06:00</ExpDate> <ExtraID>sample string 6</ExtraID> <FirstName>sample string 7</FirstName> <LastName>sample string 9</LastName> <MiddleName>sample string 8</MiddleName> <Number>sample string 5</Number> <PaymentType>sample string 3</PaymentType> <PostalCode>sample string 17</PostalCode> <StateProvince>sample string 16</StateProvince> <Status>sample string 1</Status> <UpdatePrimaryEmailAddress>true</UpdatePrimaryEmailAddress> <UpdatePrimaryMailingAddress>true</UpdatePrimaryMailingAddress> </Payment> <RecordedBy>sample string 13</RecordedBy> <ReferenceNumber>sample string 16</ReferenceNumber> <ResponsesOverridden>true</ResponsesOverridden> <SegmentCode>sample string 8</SegmentCode> <Shipping> <ShippingMethod>sample string 10</ShippingMethod> <ShippingNote>sample string 9</ShippingNote> <ShippingOverridden>true</ShippingOverridden> <Shipto>sample string 2</Shipto> <ShiptoAddress1>sample string 3</ShiptoAddress1> <ShiptoAddress2>sample string 4</ShiptoAddress2> <ShiptoCity>sample string 5</ShiptoCity> <ShiptoCountry>sample string 8</ShiptoCountry> <ShiptoPostalCode>sample string 7</ShiptoPostalCode> <ShiptoState>sample string 6</ShiptoState> </Shipping> <ShippingCost>17</ShippingCost> <TaxAmount>18</TaxAmount> <TotalTransactionAmount>3</TotalTransactionAmount> <TransactionDate xmlns:d2p1=""> <d2p1:DateTime>2025-03-12T03:59:07.6993886Z</d2p1:DateTime> <d2p1:OffsetMinutes>-360</d2p1:OffsetMinutes> </TransactionDate> <TransactionNote>sample string 14</TransactionNote> <ValidatesAttributes>true</ValidatesAttributes> </TransactionModel>